

Lauki, Bottle gourd holds a special place in Indian cuisine as many health experts, nutritionists and Ayurveda practitioners promote it as a must-have food. Lauki belongs to the cucumber family and thrives in warm and humid parts of the world. It makes for a light meal, which is really helpful in the weighty weather of summers. 
Lauki or bottle gourd is one of the healthiest vegetables out there but also happens to be disliked by many for its bland taste and pale looks. Yet, it happens to be a regular on our dinner plates. We all know how our mothers and grandmothers sheepishly try to feed us with this food in one form or another - be it in a mixed vegetable sabzi or soup or even halwa. Our constant outcry, grumbling and protest fall on deaf ears and we are left with no choice but to finish the lauki dish to the last bite.
Bottle gourd juice should always be consumed fresh. Peel and gourd and try a bit of flesh before blending, it shouldn’t taste bitter.  If it does, discard it. Also, it is advised to have bottle gourd juice alone and not mixed with other vegetables. However, you can add amla, ginger, fresh mint leave and some rock salt to spruce up the flavour.


  • Lauki Provides Vital Nutrients
  • Lauki Promotes Weight Loss
  • Lauki Protects From Summer Heat
  • Lauki Relieves stress
  • Lauki Keep your heart healthy
  • Lauki Cures tummy troubles
  • Lauki Treats urinary tract infections
  • Lauki An excellent post workout drink
  • Lauki Cools your body


  • Lauki Churna - ¼-½ teaspoon twice a day or as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Lauki Capsule - 1-2 capsule twice a day or as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Lauki Tablet - 1-2 tablet twice a day or as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Lauki Juice - Drink 50mL. to 100mL. two times a day with half glass of water.