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Mulethi, also known as “Sweet wood”, is an effective and potent medicinal herb. Licorice root is aromatic and is used as a flavoring agent in tea and other beverages.
Licorice roots can be consumed directly to get relief from cough and sore throat. It is also beneficial in managing gastric problems like stomach ulcers and heartburn due to its anti-ulcer, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Licorice can also be taken to improve energy levels and manage fatigue.
Licorice might be useful in managing oral problems like mouth sores and dental plaques. Applying a paste of Licorice powder and honey might help relieve mouth sores due to its healing and cooling properties. Licorice powder is also useful in improving skin texture and color.
In some cases, excessive consumption of Licorice may cause nausea and headache.
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